Volume 1: Chapter 2 Notes and Corrections
Pages 20-22: In the text, you are directed on how to apply the template image textures to the planes. In 3ds Max 2022, after you assign one of the textures, that texture becomes stuck in the program memory. It will not allow you to assign the next texture (After you assign knight wireframe-00-front to a plane, it will not let you select knight wireframe-00-side for the next plane). To break the lock on the first image, go to our downloaded file of textures and manually re-name the next texture image to something completely different, such as "knight-side." The texture will now apply. It's a bug in the program we need to work around. Page 74: At the bottom of the page, the text reads: "Then hold down the Shift key and drag the Select and Move tool gizmo forward. A “Clone Part of Mesh” pop-up will appear. Rename the part “foot_2_rt” and Clone to Object. Correction: to clone the selected polygons, select the SHIFT + ALT keys on the keyboard and drag them out with the move tool. " |